Practice Areas

WBE pursues complex class action and multidistrict litigation in several legal areas, including antitrust litigation, securities and corporate governance, consumer protection and more.


Antitrust Litigation

WBE has been a leader in private antitrust enforcement, bringing a wide variety of class action cases to state and federal courts.

Business & Commercial Litigation

Our attorneys represent businesses throughout the country in complex commercial litigation ranging from breach of contract claims to business torts.

Securities & Corporate Governance

Securities & Corporate Governance

WBE has committed its resources to helping pension plans, governments and others in need to recover lost assets.

Healthcare Litigation

We are leading actions across the country, challenging wide-ranging fraudulent and unfair conduct in the healthcare industry that contributes to higher prices.

Healthcare Litigation

Consumer Protection

WBE prosecutes consumer protection claims on behalf of both businesses and individuals in state and federal courts throughout the country.

WhistleBlower False Claims Litigation

We are committed to seeing companies and individuals held responsible for their actions that involve fraud against the government and representing individuals who expose the fraud.

Healthcare Litigation

Government Representation

Our firm represents governments when they are victims of securities and healthcare frauds, working to recover the funds taken from them.

Employment Litigation

WBE strives to achieve settlements that improve working conditions and expand opportunities for employees going forward.

Employment Litigation